
JOY In January?

Yes, there is JOY in January... at least on my front lawn :)  I am a sunshine person...I LOVE the sun and seem to have much more motivation and energy when it's out! Winter is hard when we have days of inversion and freezing cold... (although I am not complaining because Utah mostly has beautiful sunny days even in winter).  So I have to remind myself where my JOY comes from... I know some of you are like me and so let's remember together... "The Sun will come out tomorrow..betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow will beeee...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love Ya Tomorrow..you're only a day away!" :) (Imagine music with that!)

Most importantly though...my JOY comes from abiding in Jesus. John 15:11.. "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." The previous verses Jesus is talking about being the true vine and us abiding in His love by keeping  His commandments. 

Also, Prov. 17:22: "A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones."

Our joyfulness or lack of it even affects our physical bodies!  I know there are lots of broken spirits all around us so I pray that we who know the truth will share our JOY from abiding in HIM.  I can be the sun in someone's life even if it isn't shining outside! :)
taken by CPA in our backyard last year
PS... It's also encouraging to have an awesome friend named JOY! :) If you don't have one get one :) 

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a friend named Joy, but I have a friend named Tracy and she loves Jesus and she is bubbling over with joy! :) Sending you my love and prayers, Karen :)
