

I know I haven't posted in awhile...I'm sure you all have been 
 what on earth is going on! :)

Until yesterday there was no news...

Now the NEWS is...
the US Embassy wants to interview our birth father
next Tuesday.
After that we will hear if we are 
for travel or they need something else.

Please pray for our birth father. He will have to travel a long distance once again and I can't imagine
how his heart must feel.

We sent more care packages with a gal who was visiting her daughter in Ethiopia.
She sent pics of our kids opening them and looking through the pictures I sent  of them and us.
They already look older and bigger.
The baby is walking.
Looking at a picture of him and I together! Yes, he is standing on the table!

These are our August update pictures: Taken in the schoolroom.

We learned the word 
 in Ethiopia 
(that is not how you spell it!)

It means

I think the word ADOPTION is synonymous 
with WAIT.

Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD.
Psalm 27:14

And it's okay because we KNOW God has HIS children in HIS hands and He can see the beginning from the end. 
HE knows when WE are READY and when our children in Ethiopia are ready.

Besides we still have to get the toilet out of the tub and put it back where it belongs! :)

While you are WAITING with us
here is an HONEST post from a gal we met in Ethiopia who was there with her husband picking up one of their children. She writes about LIFE 

I am sure after you read it you will want to pray for us even more!




We were SUBMITTED today!

The US Embassy will tell us within 10 business days whether or not we are cleared to travel or they need more paperwork.

I can't believe we are at this point in our adoption journey...
the final leg

WAITING is a verb we have learned well..
well, I'm not sure I have done it well but I don't know that we have experienced it so much as we have
in the last year.

Here are a few more pictures while you are waiting along with us :)

a picture we sent in our first photo album to our kids. Another adoption Mom  told  me to put the kid's pictures in with ours :)

just a hot summer day with the cowboy cooling off his hat :)