
WHIRLWIND and 2 hr to go :)

Good MORNING (it's 2:23 am) Friends!
I am POOPED but ready to go I think...my brain is a tad fuzzy!

This week has been a blur...
MONDAY and TUESDAY college orientation with Nick
very informative
very enlightening
very different from Christian schools... I finally realized the Orientation leaders weren't going to pray before or after their talks
enjoyed meeting new Mom's 
can't believe Nick is registered for college

Have 4 suitcases stuffed with donations (oops just remembered I need to duct tape one of them!)
and 4 suitcases of our stuff plus all carry ons

Have a bag food of goodies for my little guy
this will be the longest time we have ever been away from him
he is sad
and excited he gets to be with Grandma and Pop-Pop
Pray for Grandma who is playing with him!

I am having a multitude of emotions and know they will be magnified when we get to Ethiopia and love on our children
and see
what we have never seen before

Pray we will be a LIGHT